Screen Printing Emulsion Technique And How It Works
Photo emulsion screen-printing is one of the most popular methods in screening stencils. If you want to create a design on a surface using this technique, understand the materials and procedure required for a successful screen-printing. First, buy accessories from affordable photo-emulsion screen printing services online. You need photo emulsion, a thick liquid substance that reacts to light. The following is a brief discussion on how this method works for printing a piece of fabric. How to apply emulsion Get a frame with your desire size. It should have a plywood board, clamp board, long beam, eye screws, carriage bolts, washers, wood screws, rubber bands, and zip tie. Take a screen and spread a thin layer of the emulsion over both sides of it using a squeegee. Get a prop like a stick to support the frame because you apply both sides of the screen. Dry the screen Take the screen a dark room because exposure to the light can ruin the emulsion. The room mu...