Screen Printing - A Brief Guide to the Art Form
Screen printing has quickly become a profession and a hobby for many. However, if you find yourself searching for a “ screen printing supply store near me ” and end up with no luck, try finding supplies at online stores. From screen printing stencils to colors and other supplies, you’ll find almost everything online. New to the idea of screen painting and wondering why it’s gathering all the craze? Well, let’s try and learn the ABCs of the art. Then probably, we could satisfactorily find an answer too! The What: What is screen printing? It is simply an art form. An art form that requires the artist to create a design on any flat surface (cloth, paper, etc.). The design is made with the help of a mesh screen and colors oozing out of it using a squeegee. The How: The easiest and most common way of screen printing is to create a stencil on the screen. Once you have decided on the design and created the stencil, use high-quality paint and push it through the pattern using the squeegee. We ...