The Must-Have Equipments In Your New Screen Printing Shop

 Thinking of opening a screen printing shop? It’s definitely a big jump but is totally worth it. To kickstart your shop, you will need to obtain all the necessary equipments and supplies for the shop. Here is a list of some of the necessary local screen printing supplies that should be a part of your shop:


        Manual Press

The market of screen printing has a number of screen printing presses. All of them have different abilities, features and prices. You have to make sure you get the right manual press to meet with your goals and the customer’s needs. You should pick a trusted brand so that you do not face any problems later. If you are brand new into the business, you should consider asking around for recommendations and also look at reviews on the internet about the vendor.


        An Equipment To Gel Ink

If you plan on printing multicolor designs in your shop, you will most definitely need some equipment to gel or flash the ink. A heat gun will work very well for this but it is quite difficult to maintain consistent amount of heat across the whole print.

Another option to gel ink is with the use of a flash dryer. This equipment helps spread even and consistent heat across the whole print on the material.


        Equipment For Curing

You will most definitely need some kind of equipment in order to cure the garments so that the prints don’t wash out. Many printers also use the flash dryer itself to cure the garments. It is a good way for people to learn the craft along with saving some cash. If you are using a flash to cure the garments, keep note of the different variables such as the temperature of the room, material of t-shirt, type of platen, and the temperature of ink, shirt and platen. All these variables will determine how long you will need to flash the garments to cure it properly.


Buy the best wholesale screen printing supplies to kickstart the preparations for your shop and get your new shop going!


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