Screen Printing Equipments That You Should Know About

 Are you planning to start a screen-printing business? When it comes to taking a plunge into starting a new business, you cannot do it without proper planning and deliberation. It is imperative to understand where you invest your money and the kind of returns the investment reaps. This is where investing in the right kind of equipment comes in. Choosing the right equipment is one of the primary factors to run a  successful business.

Think about it, how are you going to meet the delivery requirements if your business is ill-equipped. While there are screen printing supplies packages available in the market, if you want to run a successful business, you should have an extensive understanding of the importance and function of each basic screen printing equipment as it will greatly determine your output. To start your screen printing business, you must have the following equipment.

Printing Press

The primary equipment you need to start your screen printing business is a printing press. We’re pretty sure that this wasn’t a hard guess. To get the desired print on the substrate, you will need a printing press. There are a plethora of options available, including a manual and an automatic printing press. You can pick your choice, depending on your budget and the scope of its application.

Screen Printing Ink and Solvent

Your printing press is obsolete if you do not have printing ink in stock. But you can start with a basic ink set with regular colors such as— white, black and local school colors. Here are traditional plastisol and water-based inks available in the market.

You will also need a pre-wash, a solvent for plastisol inks, or water-based inks used for the screen printing process. This pre-wash is used to clean ink from the screen, squeegees, and ink scoops to prepare them for reuse further.

Stain Remover

A haze remover removes stains from the screen mesh before coating it with emulsion for stencil making. A haze or a stain remover will remove any haze images that stick to the stencil, thereby allowing the ink to pass freely through the mesh openings.

If you are planning to start a screen-printing business but the only thought that’s holding you back is—  where can I find a screen printing supply store near me,” you should check out Kolor Matrix.


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